Title: The Savior's Sister Author: Jenna Moreci Series: The Savior's Series (Book 2) Genre: Romantic Adventure, Romantic Fantasy The Savior's Sister is a beautiful companion novel to The Savior's Champion, telling the same story but in an entirely different way. The same set of well-drawn characters, the same perfectly planned otherworld, the same of so many things ... And yet entirely new. This book follows the story from Leila's perspective, introducing the reader to a much more intimate level of what it's like to be the Savior of the realm of Thessen, imprisoned in the palace and stripped of all the power of her birthright. You see Leila in a whole new light--not only as the Savior, but as a vulnerable young woman experienced in the fine arts of loneliness and grief. She deals with insecurity with poise and grace, defeats unbeatable enemies with intellect and courage, and relies on those she trusts while struggling to balance her desire to protect her peopl...