I also loved Max, with his strong sense of duty so at war with his own secret desires, and while his pride and lack of true communication frustrated me, I felt I understood his motives as well.
That being said, I also couldn't help noticing a few glaring errors in the text, as well as an array of jarring instances of repetitive wording that threw me briefly out of the story. For example, I found myself eventually rolling my eyes in frustration as Max's "entire body hardened" for the umpteenth time during scenes that should have been sexy but sometimes came off as immature due to the lack of better (or at least more varied) phrasing.
All in all, this was a great effort at telling a great story, but the editing and repetitive wording left something to be desired in the way of polish, something the seats this book at a solid 3.5 stars - too enjoyable for three, too unpolished for four.
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